Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Latest GW Book

A better politician than his image suggests. Credit Engraving from The New York Public Library
If the American Revolution has been remembered like a five-act play, the years after the war are the tension-filled fourth, so suspenseful as to border on melodrama. Even the heroes seem almost hysterical. John Quincy Adams, 20 years old in 1787, deemed it the “critical period” even before its conclusion. The new states went their own democratic ways in dealing with a credit crisis and left the Continental Congress unable to pay its debts. A high point of revolutionary radicalism, it was a low point for what Adams called the “bonds of union.”
It is not a period we usually associate with George Washington, the retired commander who became America’s first president in 1789. Biographers usually depict him happily rotating his Mount Vernon crops, barely aware that there could be another call to service. The general had distanced himself from a Congress that couldn’t pay his army’s bills and from the mutinous results. Seizing power like Caesar was never really an option; returning home like Cincinnatus made a virtue of necessity. But as Edward J. Larson reveals in “The Return of George Washington: 1783-1789,” there’s more to the story than Washington’s republican refusal of a crown.
The general kept in touch with political leaders from several states. Like most generals who survive to fight another day at a higher rank, Washington was also a politician, and a better one than his image might suggest. He knew when to save political capital and when to spend it. He played a “crucial role as a public figure and political leader” by networking in favor of a stronger central government.
Precisely because of his experience during the war, Washington worried about frontier security and international opinion of the republican experiment. He made it clear that he favored a revised union, but did not go public with his concerns until others did. Larson praises Washington’s acute sense of political theater: He skipped a meeting of state leaders in Annapolis, and even “played Hamlet” on attending the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Hanging back allowed his actions and carefully planted statements to have maximum impact. He gave no one ammunition to use against him or the nationalist cause. Washington’s nonpartisan, cross-regional appeal depended upon seeming to be above particular interests. He played this role expertly as president of the convention, pushing nationalist measures behind the scenes while enforcing the convention’s high-minded tone — and its secrecy. The surprisingly flexible and strong presidential office could then be devised with him in mind.
Even before the convention finished its work, newspapers made Washington the measure of what the new order might mean. Larson is a sure guide through the complexities of writing and ratifying the Constitution. His almost Washingtonian sense of gravity and balance slips only occasionally into the traditional melodrama, as in the first scene, when Washington, resigning as commander of the Continental Army, “stood erect — still a towering figure on a solid frame.” How else, alas, can the protagonist of “one of the most remarkable events in the history of war, revolution and politics” be described? Did “his daily presence on the dais” at the Constitutional Convention really speak “louder than the speeches of anyone in the hall”? The poet Stephen Spender may have been able to “think continually of those who were truly great,” but the convention delegates wisely spent their time listening to one another, not gazing on the man with the gavel.
Thankfully, in most scenes Larson pulls back the curtain to show us the messier, still dramatic realities. We don’t fully understand Washington or the nation he founded without remembering that during this period he was sometimes as annoyed by squatters on his Ohio Valley lands, and by his Virginia slaves, as he was by provincially minded legislators. Restoring the politics to Washington’s rise adds motive and depth to the nationalist who rode north to the rescue.


By Edward J. Larson
Illustrated. 366 pp. William Morrow/HarperCollins Publishers. $29.99.

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