Saturday, February 9, 2013

Before I Really Get Wound Up

I just got back from a meeting in rooms full of people most of whom are roughly half my age. Occasionally I would venture to try to talk to one of them but the futility of it all quickly became apparent. I have no opinion of Beyonce because I did not watch her halftime show. Indeed, I had never heard of Beyonce before the Super Bowl. Popular culture is for the young and I checked out a long time ago. Nose and tongue rings disgust me, and I want throw up every time I see pictures of Lindsay Lohan and Brittney Spears (not very often thank goodness). When did young women take up wearing boots? I sort of like it; it's just that I find it a little weird that's all. The young men walk around in a kind of daze as if they just got off the boat and are trying to figure things out in the new country. I know, I know: our parents said the same things about us. And I'm turning into a curmudgeon. But I have to admit that in my youthful days you wouldn't see OUR elders with ponytails and wearing crazy hair hats and trying to dance with women half their age. I'd better stop here before I really get wound up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is funny. Glad you wore the hair hat in Beantown.