Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Social Constructs

 Whiteness and masculinity are social constructs. Historically and through to the present, the intersection of those identities ("white masculinity") has created a social fiction and lie where in America and across the West white men are seen through the white racial frame as being inherently somehow more rational, reasonable, and intellectual than Black and brown people (especially women of color). The implication of this lie and social fiction is that, both implicitly and explicitly, Black and brown people are deemed to be not fit for full and equal citizenship in the polity. Trump's coup attempt, the attack on the Capitol, the Big Lie and its underlying belief that the votes of Black and brown people (and by implication multiracial democracy) are somehow fraudulent and illegitimate as compared to the votes cast by white Republicans, Trumpists, and "conservatives" is an example of those sexist and white supremacist values at work.

-Chauncey Devega in

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