Sunday, February 26, 2023

Fox Viewers Want to Be Lied To

 It's not just that Fox News audiences don't care if they're lied to. Lies are what they crave. They tune into Fox News because lies are exactly what they want to hear. 

I'm going to indulge for a moment in told-ya-so: I've long written about my view that Republican voters don't really believe the Big Lie, even as they claim they do to pollsters. Instead, I've argued, it's less a sincere belief than a collective lie Republicans tell together, as a power play and a show of tribal loyalty. In other words, Republicans aren't fooled by Trump's claims he "won" the 2020 election. They just think they're in on the con. Yet every time I write about this, I get serious pushback from people insisting that Republicans "really" believe this stuff. 

Well, if that were true, then audiences would be angry at Fox News for lying to their faces. That isn't happening, and no one expects it to.

-Amanda Marcotte in

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