Thursday, May 30, 2019


Former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicated he and his boss hold different views on the question of potential presidential crimes, refusing to clear President Trump and alluding to Congress’s impeachment power as the ultimate constitutional arbiter.

When senior Navy officials grasped what was happening, they directed Navy personnel who were present to remove a tarp obscuring the McCain name, a senior official said.

In morning tweets, the president also seemingly acknowledged for the first time that Russia had helped him win in 2016.

Courts have not weighed in on legal opinions that the former special counsel said kept him from considering whether he could charge the president.

Professor: Dems need to impeach Trump to win 2020

Professor Allan Lichtman, who correctly predicted the last nine presidential election wins, says Democrats will only have a chance at winning in 2020 if they impeach President Donald Trump.

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