Saturday, June 11, 2022

According to Mr. Sizemore

 According to my high school science teacher, Mr. Sizemore, the mark of an intelligent person is not a person who has all of the answers, but a person who asks the right questions.

Why is there all of this dark matter in the universe? If I have to take my driver's test again one day due to age will the dark matter hinder me?
The universe began with a loud big bang. Will it end one day with another big bang or will it end with a whimper, probably on a cold night in December when we're all asleep under warm cover and not paying attention.
Does history repeat itself, or are The Duggars a once in a lifetime event?
In the grand scheme of things does it really matter that I can't seem to keep a neat wallet and always have to pull everything out in order to find one piece of paper?
Is reality real or are we in a matrix? Either way I hope it all works out for the best when the roll is called up yonder.

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