Thursday, March 3, 2022

 Also at the Little Professor Bookstore in Homewood a deep and learned philosophical discussion broke out contrasting Stoicism and Epicureanism.

I made the common sense point that wisdom can indeed come from reason as the Stoics maintain, but reason should be balanced by wisdom coming from personal experiences. After all, the heart has reasons of its which reason---right thinking---of which reason knows nothing. (I never miss a chance to bring in Pascal). And as Carson McCullers taught us, the heart is a lonely hunter.
The kid opposite me, speaking like a recent philosophy major from UAB, and who can compete with that, said that experience should be properly interpreted from reason. Experiences can mislead. No doubt.
After about 30 minutes of philosophical dog chasing its tail, we ended with lattes agreeing that maybe the Epicureans are right---the pursuit of pleasure is the key to the good life. With coffee and books, the right place to be a practicing Epicurean.

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