Saturday, December 4, 2021

Irving Brant - The Fourth President - Notes

 In 1938 this author commenced to write a biography of James Madison which turned into six volumes.  In 1970 he published this single volume collapsing six volumes into one.  I have read that this is the first modern biography of Madison.  Reading up on James Madison seems to make this book mandatory reading.

This book is dry reading--- a linear summary of what Madison did and when he did it without much analysis.  I see its worth as a basic barebones summary of his life.

Like the other Southern Founders Madison grew up in a slavery culture.  Unfortunately Brant says nothing about this.

In 1769 Madison horseback rides 300 miles to the College of New Jersey with a slave named Sawney.  Imagine going off to college with a slave!  P. 10

On March 18, 1780 he arrives in Philadelphia to to take his seat in the Continental Congress accompanied by his "servant" Billey.  P. 49

Shyness and a weak voice kept him from taking the floor for six months.  Paper money depreciation was the issue of the day.  P. 49-50

Congressional depreciation of powers was the root of the paper money issue.  P. 51

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