Saturday, January 18, 2020

Shelby County Democrats 1/16/20

For you Alabama folks my notes from last night's meeting of the Shelby County Democrats.
Chris England, the state chair, is a state representative from District 70 in Tuscaloosa. His district was created by court order in 2006. He is the first African American party chair in the state. He is a graduate of Howard University and the U of A law school.
He is most impressive in his enthusiasm and ideas for growing the party in our state. This is a propitious time for new Democratic blood in Alabama.
He says don't point the finger at Reed and Worley. Do not speak negatively of them. This would only help the Republicans. This would be wrong anyway. They got us where we are today, but it is time to move forward.
New by-laws counties and state. Everyone has a seat at the table in the Democratic Party.
What the party will do:
Rebuild our infrastructure. Fully staff the state office.
The party will have a presence in all 67 counties.
There will be an infrastructure in each county with chairs and vice-chairs in each county.
Facts not insults like the Republicans. Restore civility in public political debate. No meaness. Be proud to be a Democrat and give the reasons why we are Democrats.
Fund raising is a big deal. Yes, he will be asking for Democrats to contribute monetarily what they can.
It seems like he has thought of everything including messaging. We can look forward to uniform messaging from the party.
I dare say almost everyone in the Shelby group is over 60. Rep. England is tuned into reaching Alabama's youth for the party. Hirings are being made to communicate with them, to speak their language when they may not listen to us oldsters.
One of the audience members spoke from a UAB vantage point suggesting the party needed a bigger presence on our college campuses. This is one of the things Rep. England is also working on.
Mention was made of a women's Democratic group meeting at UAB soon that is sold out! Not long ago this would not have happened.
First priority is to reelect Doug Jones. Then doing the things listed above to get ready for 2022.
Exciting stuff!

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