Monday, January 13, 2020

 Chauncey Devega
Donald Trump's authoritarian assault on America continues. What comes next in 2020? I recently spoke with historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat about the perilous days, weeks, and months ahead.
Her warning here is one that you want to pay very close attention to. Be prepared. Be afraid. Inaction is not an option.
Me: What is the Trump regime preparing the American people for?
Dr. Ben-Ghiat: Not only Trump, but many other people around him, including Republican elected officials, have been speaking like authoritarian thugs. They say things such as, “Hillary Clinton needs to be executed.” That is how fascists speak. Making such threats is a type of trial balloon. If Trump wins in 2020, those trial balloons of fascist threats will be able to be made real. Even with all the horrible things that Trump has said and done, his popularity remains stable. Trump’s followers have not deserted him. The 2020 presidential election is almost a referendum and a mandate for Donald Trump to finally do what he's been threatening to do all along.
Me: What comes next with Donald Trump in 2020 and the presidential election?
Dr. Ben-Ghiat: Exacerbation of the polarization. The goal is to leave people so confused about the truth that they are more and more dependent on Trump while also being increasingly disaffected. Trump may capitalize on some horrible event happening to the United States. Donald Trump has made some very scary declarations that the way to unite a country is through some catastrophe. Trump says that he hopes such a horrible thing does not happen but that is the way a leader can unite the county. Donald Trump has stripped anti-terrorism programs of their resources. He has defunded many national security programs that combat terrorism. If a calamity took place, Donald Trump would use it to declare martial law or some type of ongoing national emergency.
You can read my full conversation with Dr. Ben-Ghiat over at Salon via the link below. 
Dr. Ben-Ghiat is also the guest on this week's episode of my podcast The Truth Report:

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