Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Voting 2018

Pulling into the parking space to vote this morning I see a sticker on the car in front of me.
"Apathy leads to being ruled by evil men."
Woody Allen says, "Life is 80% showing up."
I amend that to "life is 90% showing up."
At my normal polling location the lady tells me that my location has been moved. I say, "Can't I vote here now and also vote in my new location?"
"You wanna get me in trouble?"
"No, I guess not."
Both locations are very crowded. Pelham is turning out.
One of my mentors in college was Dr. Williamson, a treasured member of the Auburn history department. He taught the history of political parties.
This course taught me to look at American history thru the lens of political parties, still my major perspective today.
After Dr. Williamson passed away, I ended up with his copy of his required textbook for the course. I placed today's I voted sticker in the front of the book. His marginalia and underlining are priceless.
To you, Dr. Williamson, I dedicate my vote today.

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