Saturday, November 10, 2018

Trump Division

The country is divided. Okay, got it. The pundits and scholars weigh in on HOW we are divided. As a person historically minded, I search our history first to understand. We are divided by race, by political party, by class, by economics, rural vs. city, among other ways. But the most telling division is over the POTUS. You're either for him vocally or by being a fellow traveler (to borrow an old term) or you are belligerently against him.  
The POTUS makes a jab at Justice Ginsberg saying, "She is not on my side." Most telling remark. He sees the country according to who is on his side and who is against him. Classic fascist division: us vs. them.
The POTUS has divided the country over HIMSELF. This is the biggest division in the country.

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