Monday, September 10, 2018

Woe is Me!

ALERT! Squeegy, the esteemed owner and operator of the Pelham Pool Hall, is talking about retiring.
"You can't leave us, Squeege!" I blubbered, fighting back the tears.
"It's time, Fred," he said. "Time to take it easy, smell the roses, catch up on my lazy boy time."
It will never be the same if the Pelham Pool Hall closes. Some of us old men will be lost. There will be nothing more pity inspiring than old existentialists wandering around lost in the Shelby County cosmos, unable to indulge in billiards and lying with fellow existentialists, with their Red Sox caps and their mismatched socks and shoes.
It isn't right. It just isn't right! Woe is me if the pool hall closes.

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