Thursday, January 2, 2014

Tech Support

I am switching our ATT & T home internet service from 620-3162 to 663-9747 because I am discontinuing the 3162 line.  It is being done 1-13 but the phone company tried to do it today and so I had a confrontation with their tech support, which resulted in this FB post.

People who work in tech support must be unemployable elsewhere. People who work in tech support must have been fired from a fast food drive-thru. They were mistreated as children like someone out of a Dickens novel. Can they feed themselves? Can they sign their names correctly? That smooth voice, that silky personality, that obnoxious tone that I like to bring out when I'm upset enough. Do they laugh at us suckers between calls? Read their lines just to get us off the phone? Tell me someone; please tell me.

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