Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jan-Phillipp Sendker - The Art of Hearing Heartbeats

Some books you read.  Some books you enter into.  You enter into the created world of the book and it doens't let go even after you've finished reading.  This book is one of the latter.

This novel is written by a German.  I gather it was popular in Europe before getting tanslated into English.

A Burmese man immigrates to the U.S., marries an American woman, becomes an accomplished lawyer, has two kids, and one day 35 years disappears without telling his family anything.  His daughter finds a love letter to a woman in Burma named Mi Mi and realizes her father has returned to Burma to this woman.  She goes seeking her father in that Asian country to find out why he left his family, and therein is the story.

The story is compelling and touching.  It is a love story but also a story about a clash of cultures.  The Burmese culture is not our own. 

It's a great story and I could hardly put it down.  Great stuff!

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