Sunday, April 17, 2022

 A New Species of Reader (September 4, 2009)

In my book meanderings over the years I have discovered a new species of reader: what I call the Young Science Fiction & Fantasy Graphic Novel Reader. Note the word "young." That's because this is strictly a youth phenomenon. I have never known a science fiction/fantasy reader over the age of 30. Reading science fiction and fantasy and graphic novels is something that a normal person should outgrow, like bed-wetting and calling old girl friends at 2 a.m.
But alas, they are out there---those young science fiction & fantasy/graphic novel readers. I was once one myself back in high school. I caught the disease from a then brother-in-law (there is a lesson here: don't let -brothers-in-law influence you) but I out-grew it by the time I started college.
I need to talk to my anthropology professors again. No longer will I ask them about the latest theories on cannabalism. I can ask if they are familiar with this new species of homo sapiens, the Young Science Fiction & Fantasy Graphic Novel reader.
Young Science Fiction Readers are the type who will keep mice in their basement for pets. They have a pronounced inability to carry on normal small talk. Ask them what they've been up to lately and they'll look at you like you're speaking Swahili. They stare into space a lot but can never tell you what they are thinking about when they do so. Acne is a major health problem well into their late 20's. Young Science Fiction & Fantasy/Graphic Novel Readers work in and patronize health food stores. If you see a young person in a health food store holding a book, I'll bet my mortgage that it's a SF or graphic novel.
Recently I saw a couple in the science fiction/fantasy section of a local bookstore. The guy looked like a black-haired Drew Carey with a U of Alabama shirt and black shorts. The girl had shoulder length blond hair and tilted her head 45 degrees each time she turned to her friend to say something.
They're out there!

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