Saturday, January 26, 2019

Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer - Fault Lines - (Book Review)

This book by two prominent historians is a history of the US since 1974.  It is a good reference for all of the evens since than.  The book is mostly dull, dry narrative history, but valuable as a reference.

The authors discuss Ford's pardon of Nixon.  As others have done, they point out that this act might have cost Ford the 1976 election to Carter.  Yet I believe that Ford did the right thing.  Gerald Ford was a good and honorable man.  Such Republicans are in short supply today.

There is not much credit given to Jimmy Carter.  As time moves forward, Carter will eventually receive his rightful due.  Will Carter ever rise above his malaise?

The current polarization has been a long-time building.  The beginning was mostly due to Ronald Wilson Reagan.

This period is a study of the declining effort to find "common ground."  Such doesn't exist anymore more and more.  Today we live on different grounds.

In his second term, Clinton turned conservative.

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