Friday, May 10, 2013

From Facebook

Humpy Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpy Dumpty had a great fall. The conservatives say that government built the wall so what do you expect. The liberals say that Humpty had an impoverished upbringing so what do you expect. I say that Humpty is a doddering, clumsy, old fool. I win.

.If you are going to criticize me, rather than constructive criticism I would prefer unfair, malicious criticism. For if the former I might feel convicted and needing to change something in my life, and change is difficult and I don't like to change. Whereas if the latter, then I can get mad and upset and return fire with unfair and malicious criticism against YOU. This is alot more fun than responding to constructive criticism. Now you know how I feel about criticism so take heed.

L Vicky Bartholomew Griffin and Andrea Kesterke like this..Jody Britt Okay, my friend, it's open season.

13 hours ago · Like..Don Waller Ok I'll bite. You need to listen to constructive criticism more openly and carefully. Lol

I wonder if they still give "Gentlemen's C's" in school. That's the only way I made it thru college. That and begging to stay out of Viet Nam. I was good at begging. Prepared me for marriage.

Freddy Hudson and Don Waller like this..

Kimberley Stewart and Mike Denison like this..Fred Hudson Conservatives say. . .

.If you are going to criticize me, rather than constructive criticism I would prefer unfair, malicious criticism. For if the former I might feel convicted and needing to change something in my life, and change is difficult and I don't like to change. Whereas if the latter, then I can get mad and upset and return fire with unfair and malicious criticism against YOU. This is alot more fun than responding to constructive criticism. Now you know how I feel about criticism so take heed.

L Vicky Bartholomew Griffin and Andrea Kesterke like this..Jody Britt Okay, my friend, it's open season.

13 hours ago · Like..Don Waller Ok I'll bite. You need to listen to constructive criticism more openly and carefully. Lol

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.One of the exciting things about growing old is that it enhances your vocabulary. Recently I've learned new words like"melanoma," "sebaceous cyst," and "atrial fibrillation.". Just today I learned "bursitis.". I had heard of the word, but today I received a first- hand tutoring. I expect to continue learning many more new words at the pace I'm going.

Diann O'Mary Harbin Barrett and Freddy Hudson like this..Don Waller I recommend you catch a few episodes of Beverly hillbillies reruns. In particular, Granny's rheumatism medicine could do wonders for your "bursitis '

21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3..Moyna O'Riley Hudson @Don ~ I'M THE ONE who needs Granny's 'medicine' for Fred's bursitis!

21 hours ago · Like · 2..Sheila Bloom Me too. Bursitis. Tendonitis. Arthritis.

20 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1..Fred Hudson The word tendonitis was mentioned in passing today but the tutoring finally came on bursitis. The A-word is old hat. That little "sac" I have on my left knee is challenging my active lifestyle.

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A student came into the UAB chemistry department today (finals are going on) being disruptive, almost screaming, raking papers off a desk, upset because he made a B in organic. Heck, I would have shouted "Praise God" if I could have made a B in organic chemistry (as a history major I never had to worry about such subjects). He claims his professor won't talk to him and he needs an A to get into medical school. Tsk, tsh, ha, ha. Security had to be called to remove him from the office. What is academia coming to???

Donna Eads Shiver He needs a change in attitude to get into medical school!

21 hours ago · Unlike · 1..Fred Hudson The dude certainly needs some kind of adjustment.

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