Saturday, June 18, 2011

Woody Allen - "Midnight in Paris"

This is one of if not the most enjoyable movie I have ever seen. It's vintage Woody Allen. I suppose you have a taste for Allen or you don't. I have always taken part of my sense of humor from Woody Allen.

You have an engaged couple in Paris with her parents adding contemporary humor. The man is trying to finish a novel, and ends up traveling back in time to the 20's when it seemed that every great writer and artist of the time was running around Paris.

Here's Hemingway. Here are Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. Here's Picasso. And here's Kathy Bates playing Gertrude Stein. The literary references run wild, and I love every one of them!

The music and scenes of Paris are enchanting. Makes me want to hop on a plane and head over. Do the Hemingway tour and see the famous Left Bank. If I ever do cross the pond, Paris will be my destination.

This is as good as it gets. I plan to see this movie again soon.

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