Saturday, April 30, 2011

Michael Connelly - The Fifth Witness

I have now read all 4 of Connelly's Mickey Haller novels. This is a good one---as good as any of them.

The plot is first rate. The misdirection is well-done. Throughout the book you wonder if Mickey's client is guilty and at the very end you get the answer. The problem with crime fiction is generally the ending. Rarely is the ending satisfying. Things are neatly wrapped up in this one.

There isn't much development of the character of Mickey Haller though there is a surprise at the end regarding his future. The underlying personal current is that he's twice divorced and hoping to reunite with his first wife and mother of his teenage daughter. The other underlying current in the 4 novels is his feelings about what he does for a living---defending society's undesireables who are usually guilty as charged.

All in all, this is good stuff if you like crime fiction and legal drama.

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