Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It is amazing how many buffoons there are in politics these days. Just when we thought Palin took the all-time prize, along came Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour and now Donald Trump. (We've been afflicted with other clowns but I'll limit myself to 3 at the moment).

Governor Barbour just announced he will not run for the Republican nomination for President. Too bad. Barbour is a lot of fun and essentially harmless because he never had a chance anyway. He would have been good for harmless laughs, but now he's gone.

Palin is still out there but you don't hear much about her these days. It remains to be seen what happens with her. I don't see her as ever getting the Republican nod and if she did I don't see her as ever getting elected, but maybe I'm naive.

The current King Buffoon is Donald Trump. He worries me a bit because Americans might be stupid enough to elect this man. What's most interesting is that here is a man who can say demonstrably stupid things and he gets away with it. President Obama was born in Hawaii. Everybody knows that, but evidently 70% of Republicans DON"T know that. To get publicity Trump has to play the birther drum, and he gets away with it. I read this morning an insinuation that he thinks Obama is pushing up gas prices as if the President controlled the price of gas in this country. Dumb Republicans will probably eat it up.

I despise Donald Trump. I thought Palin retired the trophy as my most despised person, but The Donald has stolen away her crown.

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