Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ayn Rand's "Objectivism"

In a review of the new movie "Atlas Shrugged," based on the novel of the same name by Ayn Rand, Michael Shermer summarizes Rand's philosophy of Objectivism. Rep. Paul Ryan is a disciple of Ayn Rand.

In Objectivism, (1) reality exists independent of human thought, (2) reason is the only viable method for understanding it, (3) people should seek personal happiness and exist for their own sake and no one should sacrifice himself for or be sacrificed by others, and (4) laissez-faire capitalism is the best political-economic system to enable the first three conditions to flourish. This combination, said Rand, allows people to "deal with one another, not as victims and executioners, nor as masters and slaves, but as traders, by free, voluntary exchange to mutual benefit."

This is the philsophy which is at the heart of the the Republican Party of today.

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