Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Big Government" and "Socialism"

It always amuses me to hear right-wingers bring up "big government" and "socialism," both of which they say they are opposed to. It reminds of the 60's when everything they were opposed to was referred to as "communism." My sneaking suspicion is that most of these people have no idea what they are talking about.

Are these simple souls opposed to interstate highways? The interstate highway system is the product of big government if anything is. If you're opposed to "big government" then you shouldn't be driving on our interstates.

Are these simple souls opposed to government regulation and inspection of the safety of our foods? FDA testing of our prescription drugs? Social security? Medicare? Safety in the workplace?

If you're opposed to "big government" then you should be opposed to these things plus many more things we take for granted in our American life.

Do I have any "big government" haters on board with this or are all of you hypocrites (as I suspect you are)?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love big government!