Friday, February 27, 2009

Robert D. Richardson - William James

I have tried so hard to get into the head of William James, perhaps the leading intellectual of the 19th century (since I am a 19th century person), but now I'm ready to give up having read this definitive biography of James. I like William James since he was a roving intellectual who dabbled very successfully in many things in various areas of psychology, philosophy, and religion. It's just that somehow even after reading this exhaustive book I just can't get a handle on James. Earlier I had read the Linda Simon biography and I've read many of his essays but somehow, somehow, I just don't click with this guy. I thought I would click with pragmatism, but so far that hasn't worked either. What gives?


Anonymous said...

Define pragmatism.

Fred Hudson said...

Good question! My research associates are working on it.