Saturday, February 21, 2009

Republican Talking Points

Obviously Republicans speak from the same script. They all march in lock-step and say the same things---Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Sowell, etc. During the Bush administration, the talking points came from the White House. Who is distributing the Republican talking points now? I don't know, but somebody is because Republicans continue to babble in unison like parrots. Have you ever known a Republican with an original thought? Neither have I.

McClellan: White House gave FOX commentators talking pointsBy SilentPatriot Thursday Jul 24, 2008 8:10pm
This just in from the Department of the Obvious: Scott McClellan admits to Chris Matthews that the White House made a deliberate effort to use FOX News commentators like Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly to disseminate White House talking points.

Matthews: "Did you see FOX television as a tool when you were in the White House? As a useful avenue to get your message out?"
McClellan: "I make a distinction between the journalists and the commentators. Certainly there were commentators and other, pundits at FOX News, that were useful to the White House." [...] That was something we at the White House, yes, were doing, getting them talking points and making sure they knew where we were coming from.
Matthews: "So you were using these commentators as your spokespeople."
McClellan: "Well, certainly."
Straight from the source. Enough with the "fair and balanced" crap already.

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