Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Andrew G. McCabe - The Threat - (Book Review)

As part of his ongoing effort to stop the Russia investigation, Trump fired McCabe on January 16, 2018 when he was Deputy Attorney General.  McCable had appointed James Comey as special prosecutor.   McCabe strikes back in this book.  When all is said and done and Trump has fallen, McCable's words will be a big part of the story.

A big part of his story is a stirring defense of the FBI, something that shouldn't be necessary but is necessary given Trump's unprecedented attack on our own's country's law enforcement.  It is tragic but Trump has no choice since all he cares about is himself.

Cohen is testifying today before the House.  We hope there is a noose tightening around Trump.

McCabe tells how he became an FBI agent.  He includes his application resume.  You can't help but be impressed by what it takes to join the FBI.  Amazingly difficult to become an FBI agent.

"Between the world of chaos and the world of order stands the rule of law."  P. IX  So McCabe beings his story.

The FBI works on the basis of established and proven procedures.  One of them is the FD-302.  Every interview conducted by the Bureau is summarized and reported on a form called a FD-302.  This document is the building block of an investigation.  P. 1

McCable's personal encounters with Trump read spooky.  The basis was always which side are you on?  Trump demands mobster loyalty.  P. 13

McCabe began his FBI career in 1996 chasing Russian mobsters in New York.  I think he knows what he's talking about on the subject of Russian organized crime.  P. 17

The agent's responsibility is to determine the facts.  P. 19

Russian interference is ongoing, and it is not conjecture.  P. 20

The evidence is "incontrovertible."  P. 20

What the FBI really does, and why it is important.  P. 20

Our POTUS values the word of our major adversary more highly than he values his own intelligence agencies.  P. 21

To keep American safe, the FBI must be independent.  This president is violating this norm.  P. 22

The author tells his compelling story of how came to became an FBI agent.  Chapter 2: Answering the Call.  Most impressive.

An art history and political science major at Washington University in St. Louis.  The only requirement to apply to the FBI is a college degree.  Strict application, checking of references, and a blistering polygraph exam.  Trump would never have passed.  Weapons training.  Punctuality is not optional.  Must be able to articulate every decision you make.  McCable was in on the beginning of the FBI's investigation of Russian crime in the United States.

Gripping stories of chasing Russian criminals.  Rough people to say the least.

This book added to Cohen's testimony before the House destroys Trump.

Enterprise Theory is a new investigative avenue for the FBI to investigate by linking suspects together as like a crime syndicate rather one person at a time.  Fascinating stuff.  "How We Work"

RICO allows leaders to be held responsible for the actions of those under them.  P. 54

His personal story of 9/11.  P. 63

McCabe went from organized crime to counterterrorism.  P. 70

Profile of Mueller.  Straight-laced.  Not a charming communicator.  White shirt, red tie.  P. 71

Work in counterterrorism and you are always on call.  P. 72

Legitimate questions never go away.  P. 75

There is a difference between interviewing and interrogating.

Information is the lifeblood of effective government.  McCabe discusses the importance of the President's Daily Brief and how Trump disses it.  This is truly criminal.  P. 122

McCabe rips Jeff Sessions.  Says that Sessions was only interested in drugs and immigrants.  He tried to relate everything to these topics.

Sessions had no comprehension of Islam.  P. 128

Putin over the PDB.  P. 134

Apparently Trump only listens to himself.  So scary.  P. 137

Benghazi to Boston.  P. 138 to 159

The Benghazi folktale.  P. 164

Comey would ask, "Tell me your story."  I like it!  Judgmental but not two faced.  P. 166-67

Exonerating Yates and Lynch.  P. 185

When is the right time to become cynical about the society that you had faith in?  P. 190

Comey influenced the 2016 election.  P. 196

Trump violates justice norms.  He is an affront to our judicial system.  P. 207-08

People don't appreciate how far we have fallen from normal standards of presidential accountability.  P. 217

Trump exposes himself as a deliberate liar.  P. 217

He is disconnected from reality.  P. 227

"It would be impossible to overstate my concern at the president's behavior and rhetoric."  P. 260

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