Monday, August 10, 2015

The Trump Effect

by Conor Lynch
The GOP debate showed how irrelevant ideology and ideas have become, as every question and answer was void of any real substance. This is, however, what the GOP base wants — a strongman personality who will embrace all of their irrational fears (Islam, immigration, homosexuality, socialism, etc) — not someone with practical ideas and moral values, and a commitment to those ideas and values.
The only candidate for the 2016 presidential election who has a firm ideology is Bernie Sanders. This could have also been said for Rand Paul in the past, but he has since given up his commitment to libertarian thought, becoming what he once claimed to despise: a Washington politician defending the status quo, as he did at the debate when Trump refused to promise his endorsement to the eventual Republican nominee. Sanders, on the other hand, has always been committed to progressive ideals, since he participated in the historic March on Washington in 1963 to his tenure as the mayor of Burlington. He never backtracked from what he believed in, even during the three decades of neoliberalism that nearly killed the American left. He does not change what he believes in when it is not vogue, but remains committed and rides through the storm, and most importantly, cannot be bribed to change his beliefs.
Of course, Sanders has been receiving some criticism lately, especially from the Black Lives Matter movement, that he is too focused on class and wealth inequality, without looking at other forms of oppression in modern America, specifically racial oppression. Sanders has taken this criticism seriously, and over the weekend introduced his new national press secretary to a crowd of 15,000, Symone Sanders, who is a criminal justice activist and Black Lives Matter supporter. She started speaking with him three weeks ago, and her first form of advice was “that racial inequality and economic inequality are parallel issues.” Since then, Sanders has become more vocal about racial inequalities, and has introduced a page on addressing racial injustices.
Still, even if Sanders requires some improvement on racial inequalities, there is little doubt that he is genuine and has a record of being committed to what he believes in — something that has become all to rare in American politics of today.
Of course, Donald Trump also has a record of being committed to what he believes in, which is Donald Trump — through all of the bankruptcies and bailouts, Trump has always been dedicated to keeping himself and his ego afloat. He is addicted to attention, and the attention he’s gotten with his current foray in politics may be like the first shot of heroin into a junkies arm. As a progressive, it’s hard not to want Trump to run as a third party candidate, as it would likely hand the election to the Democrats. But Trump is making a mockery of the GOP and American politics, while unintentionally exposing the dangerous passions that so many Americans hold dear, whether they be nationalism, xenophobia, or white supremacy. People find him refreshing because he is not didactic or concerned about ideas, and he is not a career politician — he is a strong personality, a political frankenstein of the Twitter age. He is also the polar opposite of Bernie Sanders, who talks ideas and is committed to creating a more equal and just society. They are both outside the establishment and represent the growing anger in American politics, but Trump represents the kooky reactionary side, while Sanders represents the side of progress, with a commitment to ideas.
One thing is certain, the GOP and Democratic establishments are concerned, and they should be. Both gave up their ideological principles a long time ago for realpolitik calculation, and this is finally catching up to them. Whether we will move into a new age dedicated to ideas and progress, or an age of reactionary known-nothing politics, is something that the 2016 election may just determine.

1 comment:

Charles Rose said...

This person is correct. I hope Bernie Sanders becomes our President!