Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Not So Grand Old Party

by Bob Cesca  
                                                                                                                                                               So, the far-right is mainstreaming slavery; it’s pushing for women and even young girls to die from complicated pregnancies or to birth the children of rapists; it’s planning to strip the citizenship clause from an amendment that was ratified 150 years ago; it’s embracing racist colloquialisms; and it’s acting upon videos that are proven hoaxes. The Republican race for the presidency is all about who’s better at blurting ridiculous non-sequiturs — all of it following the lead of their reality-show frontrunner.
The Democrats, in spite of their faults, are the only grown-ups in the room. Yet shows like “Morning Joe” and “Meet the Press” continue to treat each side as if they’re exhibiting similar behavior. There’s simply no Democratic equivalent to the insanity that’s being hurled around on the Republican side of the aisle these days. None. While the Democrats are focused on actual issues, and caught in a relatively innocuous scandal, the GOP is off on a series fringe crusades that bear little resemblance to the issues that most affect voters — that is unless voters are desperate to bring back slavery.
Indeed, the Democrats have an opportunity here to show maturity and moderation in the face of an increasingly clownish, incoherent GOP. Honestly, it won’t take much effort to do so.

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