Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Lincoln Movie

Just saw the movie this afternoon down in Alabaster.  Let me say flat out that this is a great and compelling movie.  I enjoyed it  immensely and will probably see it again.  I don't know how anyone except maybe today's Confederate Republicans can come away from seeing it and not be moved and shaken.  The 12:30 showing seemed to have mostly older adults like me, and we all filed out quietly and respectfully at the end.  It's the kind of movie that makes you file out quietly for what you've just seen.

Daniel Day-Lewis will forever define how we picture Lincoln in our time.  If he doens't win the Oscar they might as well discontinue the award.  Sally Field likewise for playing Mary Lincoln.  And while I'm at it, Tommy Lee Jones should be awarded and lauded for playing a rousing Thaddeus Stevens.

The movie focuses on the passage of the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery in this country.  You might think that passage of this amendment as a result of the Civil War would be a no-brainer, but historically this is not the case.  It took the support of some lameduck Democratic representatives to get it passed.  (The Senate had already passsed it).

Today we might take this amendment for granted.  History says otherwise.  It might not have passed.  The war might have ended short of its passage.  History might have been quite different otherwise.

I will add to this post going forward.  Just wanted to get down some immediate thoughts.

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