Thursday, July 23, 2009

The "Birther Movement"

We live in strange times. Despite the media that allow us to keep up with events more than at any time in history (there is no excuse for anyone not being informed), we are awash in misinformation and utter nonsense that passes for accurate information for some people. Some of the stupid and juvenile emails I receive from people whom I THINK are intelligent people do make me wonder. How can seemingly reasonable people believe utter nonsense? The only answer I can come up with is that they WANT to believe and facts and evidence don't matter. I do not respect such people. Idiot Obama Haters will believe ANYTHING. We need constructive and patriotic criticism as we do for every administration. However, these idiots are beyond the pale.

From Jon Stewart

In a lengthy opening segment, Jon Stewart took on "birthers" last night, mocking their internal leadership and the media figures and politicians who support them. If you don't know by now (which is totally possible as a rational adult who does not engage with the lunatic fringe) "birthers" think that our president is not an American citizen, but instead a citizen of Kenya, who, through a massive government and familial conspiracy, tricked the American people into electing him.

Despite OVERWHELMING evidence that Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen, "birthers" have created a media frenzy of late that has prompted conservative representatives to introduced the so called "birther bill" that would call for presidential candidates to provide their birth certificates before running. There has been some very responsible reporting on the subject, if you can ever call engaging crazy people responsible, by Rick Sanchez, Chris Matthews and others who called these people crazy and showed copies of the president's birth certificate amongst other documents proving he was born in Hawaii.

Still, the subject hasn't really been delved into with the amount of scrutiny it deserves until the "Daily Show" does a segment on it.

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