Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Celebrations of Obama's Victory

Besides electing an African American as president, what is stirring about last night is the celebrations of Obama's election across the country and even the world. I do not know how common these sorts of celebrations are in presidential elections, but I assume such a reaction usually does not happen.

I think these celebrations are worthy because they indicate a high level of interest among people in the direction of the country.

However, the most striking celebration for me was in front of the White House. Many people gathered to boisterously yell in support of Obama. What I like about this image is that it occurred at the very place where George W. Bush lives. For me, it was a way of getting in his face and telling him loud and clear that we disapprove of the ruin and shame he has brought to this country. It was a good feeling to see my fellow citizens sending that message to this buffoon. I only hope he was there at the White House and took a moment to look out at the celebration to see how happy we are to get rid of him.

George W. Bush has been nothing but an embarassment to this country, and I hope on January 20 when the bum officially leaves Washington, he goes back to Texas and we never see him again!

1 comment:

Fred Hudson said...

Amen! What a glorious day 1/20/09 will be when we finally rid ourselves of that scumbag. Well put. This is your best post yet.