Friday, September 28, 2007

The New York Times Bestseller List

The main bestseller list that I consult is the NY Times at

Here is my commentary on the current Top Ten sellers in nonfiction.

1) Laura Ingraham - Power to the People
Ingraham is a right-wing hack. I do not read such garbage.

2) Bill Clinton - Giving - Not a book that I will actually read or purchase, but if the former president did a book signing anywhere close, I'd be there.

3) O. J. Simpson - If I Did It
Please, please, please, say it ain't so.

4)Tony Dungy - Quiet Strength
Probably a good book, but one I will never get to.

5) Mother Teresa - Come be My Light
Maybe, maybe, maybe.

6) Marcus Luttrell - Lone Survivor
I'll pass.

7)Geoffrey C. Ward - The War
I've never been a big fan of WW II.

8) Alan Alda - Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself
Probably a delightful book, but one I'll never get to.

9) Rita Cosby - Blonde Ambition
I couldn't care less about Anna Nicole Smith.

10) Robert Draper - Dead Certain
A good one. I just finished it. Concerning the nefarious presidency of George W. Bush.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i believe the rita cosby book should be up a lil higher, i love taht book, its really good, sadly thats waht the public bought....