Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Native Son by Richard Wright (A comedic/Saturday Night Live Approach)

After reading the first 40 pages or so-----

Imagine if you will that we had TV and Fox News in the 1930's. Bigger Thomas is being interviewed by Bill O'Reilly.

Bill O'Reilly: We are pleased to have tonight as our guest a poor Negro man---

Bigger Thomas: You are SO perceptive, Mr. O'Reilly. You figured me out immediately!

Bill O'Reilly: (a bit perturbed) As I was saying, we are pleased to have tonight as our guest a poor Negro man who lives in Chicago's famed Southside. What do you have to say for yourself, sir?

Bigger Thomas: Look, man. First thing this morning I had to kill a foot-long rat to protect my family. The only pleasure I got out of it was dangling it in front of my sister to scare her. My Mother is on my back to get a job. I hang out with my buddies at the pool hall, a couple of us have fun in the movie house, we think about robbing a white man's store but chicken out. I have to rough up one of my own buddies. What am I supposed to say?

Bill O'Reilly: (musing to himself) Dangling a rat in front of your sister. Boy, that sounds like fun! (composing himself). Look, Mr. Thomas. Do you think this country owes you anything. Get a job! Make something of yourself! You're in the No Spin Zone here! No excuses! You can be anything you want in this country. This is America!

Bigger Thomas: You don't say! YESSIR, boss. Whatever you say. You duh man, Mr. O'Reilly. Why didn't I think of these things before?

Bill O'Reilly: So there you go. Go forth, Mr. Thomas. Glad to be of help.

As the Fox camera cuts away from the set, there is a quick glimpse of Bigger Thomas in his chair, slapping his knee, his face contorted beyond recognition, laughing hysterically to himself, pointing at Bill O'Reilly.

(Fox News now switches to Colmes & Hannity. They are debating President Roosevelt's proposal for Social Security. Colmes is for it; Hannity is vehemently against it).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you caught the gist of it.

I can see Eddie Murphy and Phil Hartman playing these roles!?
