Saturday, March 25, 2023

The Truth Is


The truth is that I like to hang around the shopping area in Birmingham called "The Summit." There I was yesterday doing sociological research for the good of all humankind. There were all of these "young people" (loosely defined as anyone born after 1990) lined up at the movie theatre to see "The Hunger Games" with showings starting every 15 minutes. I observed them closely, and I must admit... they all looked "normal." I asked one of them "what's the big deal?" She responded, "Oh, it's such a good story." Okay, I'll buy that. The truth is that I had never heard of this hunger games thing until this week. (I was born BEFORE 1990). You young people have at it, but leave me alone. I am not THAT hungry. Then there was a group of 4 nuns in front of the B & N Bookstore in flowing dress. I wanted to talk to them (what brings you fine ladies to the bookstore on this fine spring day?), but they had an audience already and so I just smiled as I walked by. When I came back out of the store they were driving off in a Toyota van. Then at PF Changs I'm talking to Jeff who used to be in the steel fabricating business. Geez, if you think you've got problems, you oughta learn something about steel fabricating and you won't feel so bad. Such was my day of sociological research.

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