Thursday, March 2, 2023

The New Confederacy


So what is the world that Marjorie Taylor Greene and other Republicans want to (re)create in the 21st century?

The Confederacy.

America's native form of fascism, the Confederacy offered a white supremacist terror and surveillance society where white "Christian" men rule over all others uncontested and ordained by "God's" will. The 21st-century Confederacy, like the original, would also be a plutocracy where the white rich and monied classes would control society without restrictions or limits. Black people, other non-whites, women, gays and lesbians, and any people deemed the Other and "inferior" to "real Americans" would have their human and civil rights taken away.

The neo-confederate ideology is rooted in a fantasy-lie of what is known as the Lost Cause where the evils of the American slaveocracy and its horrible violence and the South's traitorous secession to defend that ignoble institution is imagined as something good and noble and whose defenders were heroic instead of as agents of an antihuman white supremacist terror regime.


At its foundation, Greene's endorsement of a "national divorce" and second Civil War is a threat of white supremacist violence –the first civil war killed some 750,000 Americans – against Black people and others who would be targeted for death, re-enslavement, and misery on a massive scale.

-Chauncey Devega in

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