Friday, November 12, 2021

Rogers Hornsby

 Let us correct the record. The most hated man in baseball in bygone decades was not Tyrus Raymond Cobb but Rogers Hornsby. According to Joe Posnanski everyone disliked this man. Hornsby seemed to go out of his way to force everyone to hate him.

"I'm a tough guy, a gambler on horses, a slave driver, and in general, a disgrace to the game. I wish I knew why. I only wanted to win." Hornsby on himself.
One observer observed that he was as subtle as a belch. Bill Veeck advised everyone to just stay away from the man. He made no bones about his prejudice against Negroes and Jews. To summarize: Nobody liked him and he didn't care or like other people either.
But he could swing the bat. Not much of a second baseman but man could he hit. He was to the National League what Babe Ruth was to the American League: a revolution. Over his best five consecutive seasons he hit .402. Cobb never did that. He didn't choke up but held the bat at the bottom. Not a big homerun hitter but the best doubles hitter of all time.
Fascinating character totally flawed but great baseball player.

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