Monday, December 7, 2020

Hemingway Riff


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I know lots of things and what I don't know doesn't bother me as much as it used to. The Hemingway code of bullfighting and deep sea fishing doesn't do anything for me. I will leave the old man in the sea talking about the great DiMaggio. (As far as I'm concerned Joltin' Joe was an arrogant jerk). I would gotten seasick on Hem's boat anyway. Bullfighters maybe still be the only people who live their lives straight up, but I have been as straight as I have desired to be. A bull charging straight at me might lead to a short happy life a la Francis Macomber, but I would prefer a mediocre long life. Except for Lady Brett. Now there's a woman. Love to all the chaps. Just saying. (My Hemingway riff for the day. One day I will learn to write a declarative sentence in his honor).

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