Friday, August 7, 2020



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Just heard a crash in my garage. Some books came tumbling down off their perch trying to get my attention. They succeeded. There hasn't been a crash like this since the walls of Jericho came tumbling down.

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As an indigenous white progressive Boomer Southerner raised on Big Jim Folsom, sorghum syrup, and Hank Williams, I'll take my stand. Is there anything else you need to know?

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It’s a good thing that I don’t have to make a living shooting pool or laying a trout line. Unlike Bocephus this country boy would never survive.

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I try hard to keep my misanthropic tendencies from interfering with my empathic concern for other people. To that end I avoid bus terminals, farmers markets, and hunchbacks. (Put that beaker down, Igor; you're making me nervous). I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours. I'll even challenge you to a game of Chinese Checkers if I can have the blue marbles.

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I'd like to listen in as Biden interviews his short list. Wouldn't that be fascinating??? I wish I knew more about the Michigan governor. The more I think about Susan Rice the better I like her even though she has never run for office. Senator Harris is solid. The Congresswoman from Florida seems okay. The choices are sterling. You can't say that Mr. Biden doesn't have good possibilities even though he'll make some group mad no matter what his decision is.

I think I liked myself better when I was young, naive, and silly. I was never cut out to be a mensch anyway.

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