Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson - Let Them Eat Tweets - Notes

This is the best political explanation I have found for what is going on in this country written by two esteemed political scientists.

The core concept of the book is the "Conservative Dilemma."  Conservative political elites play a decisive role in determining whether fledgling democracies flourish or die.  Why conservatives?  Because they are the politicians most closely aligned with traditional economic elites.  Traditional moneyed conservatives have to carry allegiance into a new kind of political contest where they need to win the support of voters of ordinary means.  So traditional conservatives have to get the backing of non-elites to maintain their position and status---to preserve their interests and power.  How do they do this?  Trump cult to the rescue!  P. 21

Conservative parties face the difficult task of broadening their electoral appeal while maintaining their devotion to economic elites.  P. 23

Reliance on surrogates can lead to extremism.  P. 24

The United States has not escaped the tensions of the Conservative Dilemma.  P. 37

It seems that downscale Republican voters will stick with that party despite the party continuing to shovel benefits to the rich and to corporations.  P. 113

The Democratic voting base is diverse racially and religiously.  P. 122

"What the Republican establishment wanted to do was not in doubt.  Over the prior two decades, since Gingrich led the GOP's takeover of Congress in 1994, the party had pushed a consistent, albeit ever more aggressive, policy agenda designed to advance plutocratic interests.  Republican leaders sought to sharply cut taxes on the wealthy and corporations, roll back expensive social welfare programs, and remove irksome environmental and consumer regulations.  And they sought to install judges who wold extend and protect those achievements.  In the broadest sense, they sought to tear down the foundations of the relatively balanced economy (installing some limits on the power of corporations and the wealthy) that had taken shape in the United States and all other affluent democracies after World War II."  P. 145

In privileging rural areas, out Constitution helps the Republican Party achieve and maintain power.  P. 205

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