Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Orwell or Huxley?

Who best describes our current situation, Orwell or Huxley? Both have things to say to us.
In Orwell's vision, we are crushed by oppression imposed by others. In Huxley's vision, we are seduced, sedated, and satiated. We enslave ourselves.
Orwell feared those who would ban books. Huxley didn't fear book banners because no one would desire to read anymore. (Like Mr. Trump)
Orwell feared our being deprived of information. Huxley feared our being so inundated by information that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism: ignorance in the midst of information overload.
Orwell: the truth will be hidden from us. Huxley: the truth will be drowned in a sea of irrelevance.
Orwell: we will become a captive of culture. Huxley: we will become part of a trivial culture.
Orwell: we will be controlled by inflicting pain. Huxley: we will be controlled by inflicting pleasure.
It seems to me we live in mostly Huxley's world, but don't forget about Orwell.
(Derived from "The Trouble with Reality" by Brooke Gladstone)

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