Monday, February 20, 2017

President's Day 2017

Will the country ever be united? Of course not. Why would you think such a thing anyway? Dopey people who say we need to simply ignore our differences and come together and we'll all live happily ever after are, well, dopey. In the real world it isn't going to happen. We have fundamental differences in this country that cannot be papered over. The country was not united under George Washington. The Federalist Era so-called under the aegis of Washington and Adams was one of the most divisive eras in our history and this was the beginning of the country for heavens sake.
Newly elected Thomas Jefferson said, "We are all Federalists; we are all Republicans." Jefferson was spouting political nonsense.
The country was obviously not united under Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, our next two greatest Presidents.
Even under Eisenhower in the so-called somnolent 50's the civil rights movement---the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Little Rock, Emmett Till--was happening while the Republicans never accepted the New Deal leading to today's problems.
We have temporary governing coalitions. That's all.
My President's Day soapbox is now closed.

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