Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Shock

Two days later I am still trying to get over the shock of the presidential election.  Tuesday night I WAS literally in a state of shock.  I expected Clinton to win.  All of the polls said so.  It never really occurred to me that this country would be stupid enough to elect Donald Trump.  But it happened.  This is the most shocking thing in my lifetime.  I shudder over what could happen over the next four hours.  This country could be in deep, deep trouble.  No one knows what this ignorant man could do.  The damage this deranged man could do is impossible for me to imagine.  I would like to think that in 4 years if the country survives that we will have a Democratic landslide.

What shocks me now are the people who say 1) give him a chance 2) we need to come together as a country 3) maybe everything will be okay.  Naive people!  It is not going to happen and we will soon see the truth for those who care to see.

The only good I see is that eventually there will be a huge reaction to Trump that make the country better than it would have been if Hillary had been elected.  This is my naive hope.

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