Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Nickle

It was love at first sight.
My father and I stopped at this country store in Lamar County and he gave me 4 nickles to go in and buy us two Cokes, a pack of peanuts, and a bag of potato chips. Those things were a nickle a piece in those heady days.
I held the 4 nickles in my hand and they felt good. They looked good. I juggled them, played with in my hands before making the purchase. I have been in love with the nickle ever since.
A dime is too thin.
A quarter too big.
Pennies are a nuisance. I'll dance a jig when they are gone one day.
The nickle feels just right. I love nickles.
What the country needs is a good 5 cent cigar.
The Staten Island ferry cost a nickle for decades.
Don't get caught with a plug nickle.

For heaven's sake don't take wooden nickle.
If I were a numismatist I'd only collect nickles.
In those heady days a pack of baseball cards cost a nickle.
Jefferson and Monticello.
The Buffalo nickle.
I love nickles.

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