Friday, April 8, 2016

Alabama Values

While Cruz and Trump fuss over "New York Values" we got Senator Shelby down here standing up for "Alabama Values." I've been wondering all day just exactly what constitutes Alabama values. Here's what I've come with so far:
1) Momma is always right.
2) Be home before dark.
3) We love our Guvnuh no matter what.
4) The only thing that is worth coming between us Alabamians is college football.
5) We all love country music. "The bridge is washed out, I can't swim, and my baby is on the other side." Drop kick me Jesus over the goal post of life.
6) We all love BBQ and know how to thump a watermelon to see if it's ripe.
7) Always have something extra good to take to the church pot-luck.

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