Saturday, December 29, 2012

Stuff White People Like: The Definitive Guide to the Unique Taste of Millions by Christian Lander

I listened to the audiobook while driving to Pelham last Friday.  I finished it today.  It is a humorous, satirical examination of popular trends and practices among white people.  White people are too diverse to accurately generalize about all of them, and this book focuses on things that fit a specific subset of white people: more affluent, liberal, artsy types.  Conservative, poorer white people do not get any play in this book, but are instead referred to as "the wrong kind of white people."  It was an entertaining, breezy book to listen to while driving for the holidays.  The performer was perfect, capturing the satire and ridiculousness of the subject.  However, I related to many of the items in this list of 150.

1 comment:

Fred Hudson said...

Great review. Sounds muy interesting.