Friday, March 23, 2012

Flim-Flam Ryan

by Paul Krugman----I Was Wrong About Paul Ryan

No, I haven’t lost my mind. He’s still the same flim-flamming fiscal phony he always was.

Where I was at least somewhat wrong was in my expectations about how the Very Serious People would treat his latest outing. I thought they would still treat him as a heroic deficit hawk, never mind the fact that his plan is really about transferring money from the poor to the rich, with no credible deficit reduction at all. That, after all, is what they did last year — he even received an award for fiscal responsibility.

But I’m not seeing that this time. Overall, the response seems muted, maybe out of embarrassment. But leaving aside the predictable right-wing cheerleaders, it looks as if the emperor’s nakedness is now common knowledge.

There will, of course, be no admission of past naivete; nor will I personally be forgiven for taking Ryan’s measure too soon. But better than I feared.

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