Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I finally have read Austen.

I thoroughly like the book. I think I like it more because I have seen two movie versions than I would have otherwise.

The prose is more contemporary than I anticipated. Austen began writing the novel in 1796. I was afraid the story would seem antiquated; instead, it resonates today and will remain timeless. Thankfully, the prose is not as dull as Dickens or as retch-inducing as Edith Wharton's House of Mirth.

I wonder why the book has been so influential. I can only figure it is as classic a tale of love as it gets. Romeo and Juliet overcome their families for love; Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy overcome class status for love. Are there better romances in literature than these?

I am tickled by the decorum of manners that existed in the society of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. Their lives are governed by propriety and civility.

1 comment:

Fred Hudson said...

You managed to do something that so far I have been unable to do. I've started this book several times but never get very far. I need to read at least one Jane Austen book to form my own opinion about this famous author. I wonder myself why she is so popular.