Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Health Care Debate in a Nutshell

Arianna Huffington: Sunday Roundup
Thursday's health care summit could have been dubbed Talking Points-Palooza. The GOP stayed ferociously on message, with speaker after speaker calling on the president to "start over" with a "clean sheet of paper" and take a "step-by-step approach." For their part, Democrats were committed to sending the message that, as Max Baucus put it, "We're really not that far apart." That might be the case -- if Republicans were actually interested in coming to an agreement. But they're not -- as the last 14 months have made abundantly clear. No matter how many conciliatory steps Democrats take in their direction, Republicans just keep backing away. President Obama will announce his plan for moving forward this week. Let's hope he scraps his delusions of bipartisan agreement, and pushes Congressional Democrats to beef up the bill and pass it through reconciliation.

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