Sunday, February 21, 2010

Glenn Beck - King of the Right Wing Crazies

Here is the summary of an account of Glen Beck's keynote speech to the CPAC convention. Beck even outdoes Palin and Ron Paul in his incomprehensibility and craziness.

The recitation, and the whole speech, was captivating, it was a little scary, it was almost completely incomprehensible. It was, in other words, pure Glenn Beck. Watching him walk the audience through his absurd fantasies and his melodramatic bluster, you had to wonder what would have happened if he'd been on the CPAC straw poll ballot with the GOP's list of would-be presidents. All weekend long, there wasn't anyone else who held the stage with the presence -- or the craziness -- Beck did.


Kelly said...

Have you seen the group on fb that poses the question can this poodle wearing a tinfoil hat get more fans than Glen Beck?

Fred Hudson said...

No, but I like it.

Kelly said...

I kind of thought you would.