Friday, October 31, 2008

The Writer's Desk by Jill Krementz

This is a delightful little book I picked up at the thrift store in Midfield for $1. Serendipity is a wonderful thing for book lovers.

The book features an introduction by John Updike, and is composed of pictures of famous writers at their writing desks with a short blub by each writer describing their writing habits. Included are John Irving, Philip Roth, and Richard Ford.

The book was published in 1996, but the content goes back to the early 70's.

My favorite is Eudora Welty, sitting ramrod straight at her writing desk in Jackson, Mississippi, in 1972. I met Ms. Welty once in Jackson in 1980. She was a wonderful Southern lady and great writer.

This is a book that I will flip through again and again from now on.

1 comment:

Mike Denison said...

Wow, sounds like a great find, and for a buck! Gotta love them thrift stores.